Professor Júlio Bicca-Marques will be visiting SAME (the Primate Models for Behavioural Evolution Lab) for 6 months (September to February 2023) after receiving a Visiting Professorship from his University in Brazil. Júlio's extensive work and wide contributions to the fields of primatology, ecology and conservation and biology have recently been recognized by the American Society of Primatologists when he was the recipient of the 2021 Distinguished Primatologist Award.
Júlio is the co-author of over 170 publications with a conservation focus or applications on a broad range of issues addressing how changes in habitat quality and resource availability affect nonhuman primate behaviour and ecology, how landscape structure influences host-parasite interactions and the pattern of patch occupancy in fragmented landscapes, the impact of yellow fever on primate survival and the potential for recovery of populations surviving disease outbreaks, among others. Prof. Bicca-Marques has taught courses in ecology, conservation biology, animal behaviour, primatology, primate conservation and ecosystem health, scientific writing, and the biological bases of human behaviour at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels. With a very active profile in outreach, community engagement and a commitment to mentor the next generation, Júlio is currently the General Secretary of the International Primatological Society and was a recipient of the 3rd Ecofuture Award of Education for the Sustainability as well as the author of the NAS booklet “Biodiversity at Risk: Today’s Choices Matter” (2022).
Prof. Bicca-Marques would welcome any opportunity to engage with ongoing research, to deliver or attend seminars, and discuss research with students and researchers in the Department. His interests are highly interdisciplinary.
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