Primate Models for Behavioural Evolution Lab : All Pages
- Paleo-Primate Project, Gorongosa: Mozambique
- Projects
- Pliocene Archaeology: Koobi Fora, East Lake Turkana, Kenya
- Chimpanzee technology: Bossou, Guinea, West Africa
- Lab Members
- Graduate Students
- Post-Doctoral Fellows
- Research Affiliates
- Research Assistants & Undergraduate Students
- Primate Conversations
- Robin Dunbar: "What's so social about primate sociality?"
- Linda Marchant: "Chimpanzee Laterality Redux: Why Methods Matter"
- Marcelo Tejedor: "The origin and evolution of Neotropical primates"
- Richard Byrne: "Gestural communication of the great apes"
- David R. Braun: "Older than the Oldowan: Excavations, experiments, and expectations"
- Viewing the Human Mind Through the Study of Chimpanzees
- Events
- Outcomes
- Publications
- Presentations
- Outreach/Media
- Gallery
- Contact us
- Home
- Mind the Rift: Novel insights from the Paleo-Primate Project Gorongosa
- Patrick Savage: "The role of ritual and religion in the evolution of social complexity"
- Andrea Migliano: "Hunter-gatherers social structure: a window into the evolution of human cumulative culture"
- Predators, primates and landscapes of fear
- Lydia Luncz: "Tool use, a window into cultural behaviour of primates"
- Resources
- The McGrew-Anderson Library
- Lab and Field equipment
- Conflict & Cooperation in Bonobos and Chimpanzees: A New Hypothesis
- Isabel Behncke: "It's not all fun and games: social complexity and play behaviour in wild bonobos (Wamba, DRC)"
- Peter Andrews: "Miocene Apes: forest or woodland savanna environments"
- Eva Reindl: "Investigating the origins of human material culture in children"
- Life-History, Play and the Emergence of Religion in Human Evolution
- Rob Foley: "Can palaeobiology contribute to behavioural ecology? Perspectives from human evolution"
- Field School
- A month with the Paleo-Primate Project: 28/07/17 to 25/08/17
- Richard Wrangham: "Self-domestication in humans and other primates"
- Scott Blumenthal: "Diet change in African primates: isotope evidence"
- Caroline Phillips: "Primate analogues for modelling dietary adaptation"
- Cannibalism in the Middle Stone Age at Klasies River Main Site, South Africa
- Bahar Tunçgenç: "Action Copying and Social Bonding: Insights from Infants and Children with Autism SD"
- First World Chimpanzee Day
- Bernard Wood: "Human evolution: the panin perspective"
- Lab News
- Our alumni
- Bronwyn Tarr: "Mechanisms of Social Bonding: Dance and the Synchrony Effect"
- Jonathan Kingdon: "Mozambique in Island Africa?"
- Eleanor Scerri: "A different view of recent human origins"
- David R. Braun: "Pliocene Diversity: Does Behavioural Evolution Parallel Biological Evolution?"
- Anna Nekaris: "The social and cognitive complexity of slow lorises and implications for translocations"
- Alejandra Pascual-Garrido: "Scars are just another kind of memory: Deciphering how wild chimpanzees select tool raw materials"
- Maria Joana Ferreira da Silva: "Grasping the human-baboon interface using genetic tools and spatial analyses"
- Primate Conversations 2019
- First paper of the Paleo-Primate Project
- A perspective on 'Did hominins play a role in the loss of megaherbivores?'
- Interview with Susana Carvalho
- Alex Mielke: "The Natural History of Jealousy"
- Primates and Popcorn: Life in the Trees (1979)
- Eiluned Pearce: "The ice-breaker effect: How do humans create and maintain social bonds?"
- Thomas Püschel: "What’s with the long face? Analysing craniofacial diversification in baboons (genus Papio)"
- Matt Grove: "Culture as a life-history character in hominins and other primates"
- Dominique Gonçalves: "Understanding and Living with Giants: Seeking ways for People and Elephants to Coexist in Gorongosa National Park"
- Alex Alvergne: "Is Female Health Cyclical? Evolutionary Perspectives on Menstruation"
- Adjany Costa: "The Okavango Wilderness Project"
- María Martinón Torres: "Atapuerca: one million years of hominin evolution"
- Oxford-Gorongosa Paleo-Primate Field School 2018
- European Federation of Primatology 2019 & the Primate Society of Great Britain Winter meeting
- Primate Models for Behavioural Evolution - Methods Workshop
- Primates and Popcorn: Jane (2017)
- Bernard Wood: "Are we asking questions that can be adressed scientifically?"
- Ashley Hammond: "Hominin Hips: The Old and The New"
- Robert Seyfarth: "Social Cognition"
- Crickette Sanz: "Intraspecific Behavioural Variation in Chimpanzees"
- Our volunteers
- Shirley Strum: "Do baboons make mistakes and how could you tell in the real world?"
- Wenner-Gren Workshop at Gorongosa National Park, Mozambique
- CADOES: new paper and app by João Coelho
- New paper out on the phenostructure of Gorongosa baboons
- New PPPG podium and poster presentations
- Primate Conversations 2019
- Primates and Popcorn: Virunga (2014)
- Primate Classic Conversations: Discussing Kinji Imanishi and the legacy of Japanese primatology
- Robin Morrison: "Large-scale gorilla society"
- Marco Campera: "Coffee for conservation: promotion of organic and Wildlife Friendly practices among farmers at Cipaganti, Java, to protect local biodiversity"
- Vernon Reynolds: "The ingenuity of wild chimpanzees: how to find mineral supplements in the Budongo Forest, Uganda"
- Tina Lüdecke: "Isotope-based reconstructions of Early Hominin dietary versatility in Pleistocene Africa"
- Paco Bertolani: "Let's get lost! A GIS study on chimpanzees travelling patterns at Kibale forest, Uganda"
- Isabella's field course in Japan
- Oxford-Gorongosa Paleo-Primate Field School 2020
- Primate Conversations Hilary 2020
- Oxford-Gorongosa Paleo-Primate Field School 2019
- Oxford-Gorongosa Paleo-Primate Field School 2019
- Andrew Whiten: "The discovery of animal cultures and its multifarious implications across biology, psychology, anthropology and conservation"
- Alecia Carter: "Limitations on the formation of culture in wild, desert-living baboons"
- Thomas O'Mahoney: "Evolution of the primate vocal tract"
- Marlee Tucker: "How do mammals respond to changing environments? Perspectives from movement ecology"
- Theo Toppe: "Causes and consequences of cooperative games in young children"
- Kimberley Hockings: "Coexistence matters: great ape adaptability in human-impacted landscapes"
- Paleo-Primate Project Gorongosa Newsletter - February 2020
- Simon Pooley: "Current and future approaches to improving human-predator relations"
- Piece about Gorongosa National Park in WIRED magazine highlights Primatological work lead by Oxford researchers
- Paleo-Primate Project Gorongosa Newsletter - March 2020
- Paleo-Primate Project Gorongosa Newsletter - April 2020
- Lecturers
- Celebrating the non-academic outputs!
- Paleo-Primate Project Gorongosa Newsletter - May 2020
- Maegan Fitzgerald: "Using emerging technology to conserve chimpanzees and biodiversity in the Nimba Mountains, Guinea"
- Alex Mielke: "In Praise of Folly: Play as a Window into Primate Cognition"
- Ammie Kalan: "A Pan-African Perspective: Chimpanzee behavioural diversity across their range"
- Paleo-Primate Project Gorongosa Newsletter - June 2020
- Field Assistants & Technicians
- World Chimpanzee Day 2020
- Paleo-Primate Project Gorongosa Newsletter - July 2020
- Archaeological signatures of chimpanzee perishable technology
- Taxonomic and Ecological Characterisation of Miocene Mammalian Fauna: Gorongosa, Mozambique
- Graduate Student Projects
- Monkeying Around: Complexity, Cognition, and Culture in Primate Play
- Article published by Scientific American refers to the Paleo-Primate Project Gorongosa
- Paleo-Primate Project Gorongosa Newsletter - August 2020
- Pathways into Academia
- Megan's pathway
- Anonymous Peer Review: Truth or Trolling?
- Brian Hare: "Survival of the friendliest: Convergent evolution in dogs, bonobos and humans?"
- Primate Conversations Michaelmas Term 2020 schedule
- Paleo-Primate Project Gorongosa Newsletter - September 2020
- Michael Huffman: "The evolution of animal self-medication, with particular reference to the Order Primates"
- Jose Joordens: "Coastal hominins? Towards an Indian Ocean basin perspective"
- Laura van Holstein: "The Red Queen versus the Court Jester: Determinants of Speciation in Human Evolution"
- Jana's pathway
- Amanda Tan: "Cracking away at the origins of tool use in a macaque model system"
- Barbara Klump: "Pick it, strip it, stick it, store it – The life cycle of a crow’s hook tool"
- Seheno Andriantsaralaza: "Increasing local community engagement and its expertise to protect lemurs and their habitats in Madagascar"
- Sophie's pathway
- Alex's pathway
- Elodie's pathway
- Jacinto's pathway
- Lucy's pathway
- Susana's pathway
- Caroline's pathway
- Philippa's pathway
- Paleo-Primate Project Gorongosa Newsletter - October 2020
- Thomas's pathway
- João’s pathway
- Congratulations to Caroline Phillips
- Congratulations to Alejandra Pascual-Garrido
- Primate Conversations Hilary Term 2021
- New publication led by Katarina Almeida-Warren
- Kathelijne Koops: "Of Apes and Tools: Insights into the Evolution of Technology"
- Daniel Lieberman: "The Active Grandparent Hypothesis: physical activity and aging in humans versus other primates"
- Susan Cheyne: "Gibbons of Asia"
- Erin Wessling: "Contextualizing the Chimpanzee Niche: How savanna mosaic chimpanzee ecology can offer insights into human evolution and beyond"
- Yohannes Haile-Selassie: "The Paleobiology, Paleoecology and Biogeography of the Earliest Australopithecus: New insights from Woranso-Mille, Ethiopia"
- Nicolas Langlitz: "Making Up for a Missed Encounter? Why Cultural Primatologists and Cultural Anthropologists Didn't get to Talk"
- Kirsty Graham: "Meaning and Context in Great Ape Gestures"
- Lisa Horn: "Ravens, crows, and co. - A new model taxon for investigating the evolution of prosociality"
- New book chapter from Alex Mielke and colleagues
- Paleo-Primate Project Gorongosa Newsletter - Winter 2020/21
- New publication from Mielke et al.
- Congratulations to Elodie Freymann
- Congratulations to Jana Muschinski
- New publication from Püschel, Bobe and colleagues
- Julie Lesnik: "Edible Insects and Human Evolution"
- Natalia Albuquerque: "Emotional and social regulation in capuchin monkeys"
- Science Writing for the Public: Q&A with Kate Wong
- Gladys Kalema-Zikusoka: "Conserving Gorillas Through a One Health Approach"
- Support for Students
- Primate Conversations Trinity Term 2021
- Shahrina Chowdhury: "Physiological challenges for baboons in anthropogenic landscapes"
- Susana Carvalho wins a British Academy Mid-Career Fellowship
- Archaeology of the Perishable
- Spotlight on Graduate Research
- João d'Oliveira Coelho publishes first PhD chapter
- Congratulations to Jacinto Mathe and Gimo Daniel
- World Chimpanzee Day 2021
- World Chimpanzee Day 2021
- From Forensic Anthropology, Primatology to Paleoenvironments and Paleontological Record Formation
- Schofield et al. win Primates 2021 Most-Cited Paper Award
- Collaborators
- Primate Conversations Michaelmas Term 2021
- Enquye Negash: "Woody cover and hominin environments"
- Sergio Almécija: "Fossil apes and human evolution"
- Lucy Baehren: "Reinventing the framework for leave-taking: an example using wild chacma baboons (Papio ursinus)"
- Bonnie Jacobs: "Exploration and interpretation of East Africa's plant fossil record with emphasis on the Miocene"
- Jason Kamilar: "Kinda baboons at Kasanka National Park: Past, present, and future"
- Katarina Almeida-Warren: "Bringing primate technological landscapes to life using computer simulation"
- Carol Ward: "The shape of human evolution"
- Lars Werdelin: "Did hominins impact carnivore diversity in the African Plio-Pleistocene, and if so how and why?"
- Artificial intelligence used to recognise primate behaviours in the wild
- Paleo-Primate Project Gorongosa featured in St Hugh's College publication
- Research spotlight: Sophie Berdugo
- Susana Carvalho becomes Professor of Paleoanthropology
- Leakey Foundation Grant awarded to Dr Alejandra Pascual-Garrido
- Chimpanzee Self-Medicative Anecdote Database survey
- Primate Conversations Hilary Term 2022
- Robert Pringle: "Dynamics of large-scale ecological restoration: Gorongosa National Park, Mozambique"
- Philippa Hammond: "A multi-level approach to Gorongosa baboons' landscapes of fear"
- Inza Koné: "Community empowerment for the conservation of Critically Endangered Primates in south-eastern Côte d'Ivoire: The role of transdisciplinary research"
- Elodie Freymann: "Interpreting the 'Goddess of Nature' in Today's World: How art, anthropology, and botany can be integrated into primate fieldwork"
- Andie Ang: "Cross-border Collaboration for the Research and Conservation of Critically Endangered Primates"
- Charlotte Canteloup: "From social networks to social learning in wild vervet monkeys"
- Michelle Brown: "Competitive dynamics in a frugivore primate guild"
- Paper by d'Oliveira Coelho is one of the most viewed in PeerJ
- Lucy Baehren publishes solo-author review of leave-taking
- Field Short Docs
- Robyn Pickering: "Caves, carbonates and decolonisation: dating human evolution in South Africa in 2022"
- Primate Conversations Trinity Term 2022
- New issue of Human Sciences Newsletter highlights the work of our Lab members
- Sophie Berdugo published a popsci piece in The Oxford Scientist
- Congratulations to Elodie Freymann
- Philippa Hammond's first PhD publication is now available in AJBA
- Jana Muschinski wins best presentation in the contributed research/finished analyses category at PSGB
- Dr Caroline Phillips wins Teaching Excellence Award
- Katarina Almeida-Warren publishes PhD research on ecology of chimpanzee technology
- Congratulations to Elodie Freymann on her 1st co-authored paper!
- René Bobe co-edits leading book on African Paleoecology & Human Evolution
- Júlio Bicca-Marques awarded a Visiting Professorship
- Do you mind the gap? Primatology and human evolution at the southern end of the African rift
- New paper by Lucy Baehren discusses leave taking in wild chacma baboons
- Júlio César Bicca-Marques: "Lessons from howler monkeys on the causes and consequences of primate adaptations to fragmented landscapes"
- New methods to identify wooden tools with major implications for the origins of tool use
- Paper on chimpanzee play behaviour by Alex Mielke and Susana Carvalho is in PeerJ's top 5 most viewed Anthropology and Developmental Biology articles of 2022
- Elodie Freymann "Chimpanzee self-medication" @ Monkey Mondays
- 15 years of tracing the archaeologically invisible steps in the technological evolution of early hominins: where should we be heading next?
- New paper on primate interspecific friendships by Elodie Freymann and colleagues
- Jana Muschinski presents her research in seminar at Oxford Brookes Univeristy
- New comment piece published by Lab members and colleagues: Chimpanzee culture in context
- New issue of the Oxford Scientist featuring work by Lab members
- Baboons of Gorongosa National Park on the cover of oldest primatological journal
- New publication from the Paleo-Primate Project Gorongosa describes the first Miocene fossils from coastal woodlands in the southern East African Rift in Gorongosa National Park, Mozambique
- Lab members publish milestone review paper discussing the past, present and future of the field of Primate Archaeology
- Oxford Mosaic Accessibility Statement
- Exciting new preprint from Sophie Berdugo and colleagues
- New piece on the Paleo-Primate Project excavations in Gorongosa National Park published in Nautilus Magazine
- Primate Models for Behavioural Evolution Lab: Use of cookies on this website