Paleo-Primate Project Gorongosa Newsletter - September 2020

Paleo-Primate Project Gorongosa Newsletter - September 2020

Welcome to the latest edition of our monthly newsletter for the Paleo-Primate Project Gorongosa, covering updates from the month of September and news of upcoming events. As the new academic year begins, we hope you are all keeping safe and well. We look forward to seeing all our team members soon for our virtual PPPG research meeting.

News and Updates
PPPG research meeting schedule
EFP-PSGB September 2019

Our upcoming PPPG research meeting will be taking place on Saturday 31st October 2020, 9:30 – 17:30 GMT. A document has been distributed to team members which details the aims of the meeting and important information for presenters, as well as the tentative schedule. The link for the meeting will be shared nearer the time so team members should keep an eye out for this. We look forward to seeing you all and hearing your research updates on the day.

Image: Some of our team members photographed during EFP/PSGB 2019 - we look forward to the virtual catch-up!

Jacinto arrives in Oxford to begin his DPhil studies
Jacinto Mathe, Anthropology DPhil student

Jacinto Mathe has now arrived in Oxford and is getting settled into St Hugh's College ahead of his DPhil studies. Jacinto's DPhil project will focus on the last frontiers of the African Rift Valley and the environments of human origins. You can read more about Jacinto's research through his new graduate student bio on the Primate Models for Behavioural Evolution Lab website here.

Image: Jacinto Mathe, Anthropology DPhil student, University of Oxford

Upcoming virtual events of interest
A glimpse at the Primate Conversations schedule for the upcoming weeks

Image: A glimpse at the Primate Conversations schedule for the upcoming weeks - see the full line-up here

To notify us of anything you would like to be included in the next newsletter, please email Megan at