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Paleo-Primate Project Gorongosa Newsletter - August 2020
Welcome to the latest edition of our monthly newsletter for the Paleo-Primate Project Gorongosa, covering updates from the month of August 2020. We hope that you are all keeping well and have managed to take some time to unwind ahead of the start of the new academic year. Please have a read of the below updates and do get in touch and share any news and progress of your own, academic or otherwise - as always, we would love to hear from you and spread some much welcome positivity!
News and Updates |
Inauguration of the new Paleontology Laboratory |
On 2nd August, during her visit to Gorongosa for World Ranger Day celebrations, Mozambique's Minister of Land and Environment, Ivete Maibaze, inaugurated the Park's new Paleontology Laboratory. The laboratory contains a fossil collection room, a fossil analysis work room, an office, a classroom, and a storage room. You can learn more about the new Laboratory here and watch a short video about the ministerial visit here.
Image: Ivete Maibaze visiting the new lab facilities and learning about the on-going research
New article published in Scientific American refers to the PPPG |
In a fascinating new article, "How Scientists Discovered the Staggering Complexity of Human Evolution", published in the 175th Anniversary Issue of Scientific American, Kate Wong highlights the work of the PPPG. The article is available to read online here (through a paid subscription to Scientific American), but you may also learn about the article's reference to the PPPG through the Primate Models for Behavioural Evolution website here.
Image: Illustration by Pascal Blanchet from the new article published by Kate Wong in Scientific American
PPPG research meeting to be held on 31st October |
A reminder for our team members that we will be hosting a virtual research meeting for the whole of the PPPG team on Saturday 31st October. The main goal of the full-day meeting will be for each researcher (or cluster of researchers) to present a 10-15 mins update/summary of their PPPG research and main results since the inception of the project. If you are a team member, please refer to the initial email from René for more details.
Image: Some of our team members photographed during EFP/PSGB 2019 - we look forward to the virtual catch-up!
Latest Gorongosa National Park videos on Vimeo and YouTube |
Gorongosa National Park regularly posts videos on their Vimeo page and YouTube channel (some of which have been highlighted in our PPPG Newsletters, and many more that have not but which also deserve attention). Among their latest uploads is a new episode of Gorongosa Safari with Test Malunga and a feature on Berta Guambe for the Gorongosa Young Scientist Series - both highly recommended viewing!
Image: Some of the videos recently published by Gorongosa National Park on their Vimeo page
![Website]() |
To notify us of anything you would like to be included in the next newsletter, please email Megan at megan.beardmore-herd@anthro.ox.ac.uk. |